Dental Care

Mount Vets Dental Care

Bad breath, difficulty eating and chewing food, loose or missing teeth and bleeding or inflamed gums are all signs of dental health issues.

If not prevented through good oral health care or left untreated your pet could suffer serious and even life-threatening conditions.

It is therefore vital that you embark on a dental health regime from a very early age with your pet. If problems do arise and you think there is an issue please get in touch with The Mount so action can be taken to halt further decline.

Gum disease is one of the most prevalent medical conditions seen by us at The Mount. The problems begin when plaque and tartar are allowed to build up on your pet’s teeth.

Plaque harbours bacteria which can infect gum tissue and the roots of teeth, causing disease and tooth loss. If these bacteria flood the blood stream serious damage can be caused to the heart, liver and kidneys.

The Mount advises owners to clean their pet’s teeth on a daily basis to stop this buildup of plaque and tartar. They should also ensure its diet promotes good dental health.

Our staff can advise you on all aspects of a good oral health regime and if you wish they can carry out regular gum disease checks providing recommendations on necessary steps to keep your pet healthy.
We offer dental treatment including ultrasonic scaling and polishing to remove harmful plaque and tartar. Any teeth extractions deemed necessary will be performed under general anaesthetic in a safe, professional environment.